Wael Mohamed Lab
My life motto.....
"Age is just a number, I am still learning, Let the spirit blossoms"
Dr. Mohamed is a Psychiatrist Neuroscientist. He earned his medical degree from Menoufia Medical School, Egypt, and his research doctorate degree from Penn State University, USA. After finishing his training in the neurosurgery department, he started his career as a clinical pharmacologist with psychopharmacology as a subspecialty. Currently, he is a Professor Madya Dr. at IIUM, Malaysia. His translational brain research targets the investigation and development of novel treatments for AD and PD using rat, mice, and Zebra Fish animal models. His main research interests are in the following areas: (i) Parkinson's disease (including non-motor symptoms, comorbidities, disease heterogeneity, genetics, and other ethnic-geographic aspects, patient-centered care, evidence-based medicine, rating scales); (ii) AD dementia; and (iii) Neuroprotective agents. He has published widely in the field of Parkinson's as well as Alzheimer’s Dementia, with about 100 peer-reviewed journal papers with >700 citations, h-index 31.
He authored for Springer and Elsevier i.e., 6 books and many book chapters on nutritional neuroscience & Neurodegenerative Disorders. He is serving on the International Parkinson & Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Committee for Education and the Middle East Working group as well as the Task Force for Telemedicine. He is the founder and president of AfrAbia Society (AAS). He has a strong commitment to teaching/training and has organized numerous teaching courses on Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders and has delivered and/or participated in >200 international-level lectures and expert panels (in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Singapore, China, India, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, etc.). Recently, He is interested in Telepsychiatry, and He is working on developing a mobile app for dementia called "Dementia Coach" to be used by PD and AD patients. Moreover, he is an editor in Frontiers in Neurology, Scientific Reports, and PLOS-ONE Journals editing many journals' special issues on brain disorders. Further, he is editing/authoring many books for Springer, Elsevier, and, Taylor and Francis on Nutritional Neuroscience as well as Neurodegenerative Disorders. He received many research grants from national and international organizations namely IBRO, ISN, MJF, STDF, FRGS, and INDO-ASEAN with a total research funding of One million US$. He is now an active partner in the GP2 consortium (IPDG-Asia).
Let’s Connect
IIUM, Kuantan Campus, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
E-mail: waelmohamed@iium.edu.my & wmy107@gmail.com
Tel: +6-095704513